
Monday, February 28, 2005


After more than twenty years making pop music worth listening to,
they're still ROCKIN'!
(or POPIN'?)
to celebrate the last day of February (which was umm yesterday)
, I feel obliged to post one last romantic lyric from this sleek looking british lads.
I suppose this lyric is very deep (cool, no usage of the L word) and yet so manly.
A bit gayish at the start, but the red part confirm it was written by a DUDE.
100% pure male genes are rushing inside that mind allright.

I want somebody to share
share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thought
Knows my intimate detail

Someone who stands by my side
and gives me support
And in return she'll gets my support
She will listen to me
When I want to speak
about the world we live in
and life in general
Though my views maybe wrong
They may even be perverted
She'll hear me out
and won't easily be converted
to my way of thinking
in fact she'll often disagree
But at the end of it all
she will understand me
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ( this actually part of the lyric)

I want somebody
who cares for me passsionately
with every thought
and with every breath
Someone who helps me see things
in a different light
All the things that I detest
I will almost like

I dont' want to be tied to anyone's strings
I'm carefully steer clear of those things

But when I'm asleep
I want somebody
Who will put their arm around me
and kiss me tenderly
Though things like this
make me sick
In the case like this
I'll get away it it

MEN...i shall never understand what exactly do they want.

Friday, February 25, 2005

menampar diri sendiri
berkedok realita

fatamorgana begitu indah


Wednesday, February 23, 2005

mari bernafas bersama

menghela napas panjang
setiap setengah jam


mungkin ini biang keroknya:

Se tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giorno- If you were in my eyes for one day
Vedresti la bellezza che piena d'allegria - you would see beauty full of happiness
Io trovo dentro gli occhi tuoi - I find inside your eyes
Ignaro se magia o realta - naive if magic or reality

Se tu fossi nel mio cuore per un giorno - IF you were in my heart for one day
Potresti avere un'idea - you would get an idea
Di cio che sento io - of what I feel
Quando mi abbracci forte a te - when you hug me strongly
E petto a petto, noi - and chest to chest,
Respiriamo insieme -we 'll breathe together

Protagonista del tuo amor - main character of your love
Non so se sia magia o realta - I don't know if magic or reality
Se tu fossi nella mia anima un giorno - If you were in my soul one day
Sapresti cosa sento in me - you would know how I feel
Che m'innamorai - .. i fell in love
Da quell'istante insieme a te - from that moment, with you
E cio che provo e - and what i feel
Solamente amore - is just love

Lagu ini kurang baik untuk pernafasan jika didengarkan dengan mode repeat.
Biang dari biang keroknya muka tengil sesosok putra altar yg mengingatkan pada :

mungkin dia minta dikunjungi untuk ketiga kalinya.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

professional pooper

this state-of-the-art poop station has a soothing sound (as measured in decibels), "flush water in a whirling tornado movement, cleans the under seat, etc. Don't ask the price, because is somewhere around 7 digits rupiahs. I just saw a billboard of this product somewhere along Slipi (a bit proud that i know that ad's designer).
Is it possible for most Indonesian to buy such a luxury thing?
I mean, i can always do the #2 almost anywhere (as long as it is secluded, clean and enough water provision). Not everybody i know though, there are several people who prefer the toilet seat or the squat toilet. People who prefer the second one said : "it's faster". Surething,because our leg can't stand to squat long enought to finish an article. In addition, i've just found out that IT'S HARD to squat with one leg.
One of my friend has an international (as is European and American) standard of toilet cleanliness.That's why she always do her deeds only in PS or eX's toilets, she won't do #1 nor #2 in other toilet malls She won't ever do #2 on squat-style toilet, although I wish to be there if she really-really has to do it.

"I'm a super duper pooper
I know when I have to go

Put that diaper away
cause i know my way
take a bow
I'm a big boy now,
I'm the best pooper you know!"
that's a bit of the lyric of Aidan's

(my half Jew- half Maduranese nephew) favourite singing teddy.

Friday, February 18, 2005

She's the King in my heart

"Only love is REAL
everything else is illusion"

Should i agree to that?
That's what Carole King wrote in "Only Love".
She's such a fantastic song writer and singer.
Her lyrics has always mesmerizing my brain,one of my favourite indeed.
Such blunt, honest and smart harmony of words.
Her other songs like the all time famous "You've Got a Friend" (or James Taylor wrote it?), "Natural Woman", "Up on The Roof", "Anyone At all"(another lovey dovey song from her), "I Feel The Eart Move" (nobody,NOBODY sings that song better than her! move over Mandy Moore), "It Might as Well Rained Until September" ( not suitable for jakarta...we'll get flood), and my must-listened-after-making-horrible-mistake-in life "It's Going To Take Sometime" (The Carpenters sung it first, still, sounds better from the writers voice), etc...

But sometime she gets disillusioned,
in my opinion.
Because most of the times,
love is just not real.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

bulanku nan cantik

cantiknya dirimu
tersenyum sumringah
diliputi aura asmara

sampai tidak percaya,
kamu bisa begitu memukau
jika hatimu dicuri olehnya.

jadi ingin jatuh cinta

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

pilihan semu

Jikalau boleh memilih realitas mana yang boleh kupilih.
Realitas mana yang bisa memabukkan, memecahkan kepala,
tapi bersimbah air mata dan peluh tak guna.
Realitas mana yang bisa diraba, disentuh hingga raga ini murka.
Maka aku hanya ingin bermimpi dalam selimut.
Selimut yang merengkuh SEMUA realitas.
sehingga semua menjadi semu

bergerak pelan menjadi ilusi

ah bukan
ini fatamorgana belaka

bolehkah aku memilih?
Sayangnya realitas itu sadis.
Dia menamparku dengan pedas, tepat di pipi kanan.
Tangannya kasar penuh kapal
rupanya ia harus sering menampar.
karena jika kepalaku pusing karena tamparanmu yang kesekian..
hanya hampa yang dapat kupikirkan
hingga aku tak perlu memilih.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Perhaps only a few people in Jakarta will be as excited as I did.

When I finally saw Paul Weller's latest album : Studio 150.
Indeed, he only did covers in that album, but such a TERRIFIC- re sung.
The songs are....repeatable.
Especially, Close To You, If I Could Only Be Sure, All Along The Watchtower, Don't Make Promises,Wishing on a Star, and Thinking of You (here I put a bit of the lyric).
This song really embrace love, in my opinion.
Living without love would be pointless.
Although I haven't found one with life time guarantee (I believe there IS such a thing).
I believe with love people shall live in ecstasy.

here's the rest of the lyric:
Artist: Paul Weller
Album: studio 150
Song: Thinking Of You
Lyrics :
All the time he makes me glad that I'm alive

Together we will survive
What do you think brought the sun out today
It's my baby, oh, help me sing
I'm thinking of you and the things you do to me

That makes me love you,
now I'm living in ecstasy
Hey, it's you and the things you do to me
That makes me love you, now I'm living in ecstasy
I'm in love againAnd it feels so, so good

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy El Ou Vee Eee day folks!!!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

didedikasikan untuk Grupo Bahia Jakarta

Sabtu kemarin, adalah salah satu Sabtu yang tak terlupakan.
Pertama kalinya saya (bersama anggota Grupo Bahia Jakarta) mengorganisir dan mengikuti Batizado. Belum pernah seumur hidup ini menginginkan sebentuk sabuk yang nota bene terbuat dari tali tambang. Bukan kulit binatang yang dilindungi bermerek LV atau Bally (IH teganya).
Begitu Instrutor Jensen memasangkannya di pinggang, saya sampai terpekik kegirangan!
bisa jogo pakai cordao!
Tapi...pada saat ber jogo bersama Instrutor Rafael (yang tengil, dan selalu berbunyi grook grook grrok bila melewati saya)...
suatu kebodohan menghinggapi otak.
saya lupa menjatuhkan diri..
sok jago memaksa bertumpu ke samping kaki.
Maka terdengarlah bunyi "krek" yang tidak nyaman sama sekali di kuping.
Jatuh terduduk, dengan muka bingung....
saya tidak mengerti mengapa kaki kanan tidak mau untuk berdiri.
Segera saya digendong ke pinggir, dan tiba-tiba air mata mengalir...
(hiiiy malu..tapi sakit banget waktu itu).
Aliran salin itu bercampur rasa haru. Karena teman2 sesama capoerista langsung menolong. Kata-kata Mestre yang begitu menyentuh,"Porquinha, don't you know how I feel", menambah isakan. Iya, miris betul rasanya melihat roda tanpa bisa ikut di dalamnya.
Saya kembali terharu karena kembali digendong untuk didudukkan di dalam roda! dan boleh menyanyi oleh Mestre Cicatriz!
Sepulang Batizado, my beloved androgynous pal, Boquinha, berbaik hati mengantar ke Haji Na'im.Tukang Urut Handal di bilangan Cipete. Pas diurut, dia juga merelakan dirinya saya peluk dan cekik, karena urutan Pak Haji yang...tidak mau saya alami lagi sakitnya...terima kasih...
Belum lagi dia merasa malu karena lengkingan saya yang mengundang tontonan sekampung.
"Sikat aja Pak Haji!", kata supporter itu.
Ini Tukang Urut apa tukang sikat?
Setelah diurut, kaki saya diberi putih telur
(buat apa ya? mungkin nantinya bisa dioven lalu jadi bolu).
Hasil karya Pak Haji Na'im :

Kemarin, setelah 2 hari, Mamanda kurang sreg dengan kaki yang masih menggajah.Maka kaki tersebut dibawa ke Dokter Spesialis Bedah Tulang, untuk foto sinar x dan konsultasi.
Ternyata ada otot ligamen yang sobek.Tadi saya mengikuti fisioterapi,beginilah contoh gambarnya, dari mesin elektrolisis otot.Bahasa mesin itu :
"Ankle Lateral Ligament Tear"

Dokter tersebut juga menyarankan untuk belajar main bola saja dari orang Brazil, dari pada capoeira. Ah, saya sudah keburu jatuh sayang dengan teman2 grupo...
Sayang sekali...saya baru bisa jogo 2 bulan lagi.
Seperti kata Nona Fuma (miss u darlin')
"the glass is half full not half empty"

Muito obrigada Mestre Cicatriz, Mestre Torpedo, Profesor Tata,Instrutor Jensen, Instrutor Rafael, grupo Banthus, grupo2 yg dateng dan camara sesama grupo Bahia!! keluarga tersayang, plus mahluk ini .

Monday, February 07, 2005

Wong Kar Wai goes WILD!

At last !
I've found some moment to watch "Days of Being Wild", although not chronologically correct (yeah,yeah, I've should watch this before ITMFL and 2046).
Halfway through the movie, I still had no idea what the big idea with this one?
Every WKW afficionado said that I SHOULD watch this flick.
But then Andy Lau's character came into the picture (I'm not his fan by the way), and suddenly my mind got bewitched by WKW moves.
like always.
The colours, the mirror point of view (sooooo WKW), the costumes ( sooo feminime, I wonder, is he gay?) , the MUSIC!
Turned out he already used Perfidia by xavier Cougat and Siboney in Days of Being Wild! Thus used them again in 2046.

"many troubles will be solved after a goodnight sleep"

Friday, February 04, 2005

plays piano + GREAT VOICE + handsome + mesmerizing sincere smile = lethal combination

"A Little Bit of me
and a whole of of you
Add a dash of starlight
and a dozen roses too
Then let it rise for a hundred year or two
and that's the recipe for making love"

Yesterday and today are two of my best friend's birthday. With them I've shared soo much memories than one could imagine. The songs from this phenomenal fellow have been illustrating our happy and sorrow moments. This awfully handsome guy (I've met him in person and he was much much more goodlooking in reality), can compose unforgettable songs, play piano, sings beautifully, won grammy, act, I bet he can cook too. Well, that's irrelevant.
Last december, as I was nocturnalling with the remote, I saw a feature of him in the Discovery Channel. Harry Connick Jr. is regarded as a culture icon (so they said), especially in Jazz scene.

"When two heavenly bodies glow
All the stars agree
a planet might be born
or maybe even a galaxy"

He is a galaxy allright!
I just can't help to put another smiling photo of him...


Thursday, February 03, 2005

morrisonic romantic

This fellow is UNBELIEVEABLE!
He'll be sixty this August and still rockin'
He is a rocker and rebel from Belfast.
His voice always mistify me.
His stare just freeze me.
His songs are so vary in genres..all base in rock.
He, who as tough as a rock,
still can romanticize women.

Especially with this two songs :

"You fill my heart with gladness
Take away all my sadness
Ease my trouble
that's what you are"

It's been years since I've heard that song. A certain scene in "One Fine Day", use that song as background music. You know, the one with Michelle Pffeifer looking through a rainy window after the hectic day.

The other song is "Moondance"

"Well it's a marvelous night for a moondance
with the stars light above in your eyes.
Fantabulous night to make romance
Beneath the colour of October Skies"

When I first heard that song, I thought I misheard the lyric.
Turned out is just Uncle Morrison's genial idea to mix fantastic and fabulous into one word!
Such a lucky woman who inspired him to wrote that piece.
This is him, taken by Baron Wolman, loooong time a go. When he was young.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

romantika dari Paman Cetera

Tadi pagi di radio saya mendengar sepenggalan lirik yang mengantar senandung kloset.

I am a man who will fight for you honour,
I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of
We'll live forever,
knowing together that we did it all for the gloooooory of love.

Lalu suara penyiarnya berkata : "Itu tadi Glory of Love dari North, kalo kalian taunya yang nyanyi Peter Cetera, berarti kalian sudah T.U.A". Waduh, saya sudah mulai uzur dong?
Yang jelas suara Oom Peter jauh lebih menggetarkan dari pada suara 4 cowok ganteng dari down under itu. Sejak dia berkiprah bersama Oom David Foster yang menghasilkan lagu-lagu cinta paling tokcer sejak saya duduk di bangku SMP (hmm, sudah lebih dari 1 dekade yang lalu).
Sebelumnya Oom Peter juga sudah romantis bersama Robert Lamm dan Jason Scheff dalam ini yang CD2nya masih saya simpan hingga sekarang. Versi mereka yang lebih garang adalah Blood Sweat and Tears, yang CDnya masih saya tunggu sampai sekarang.

Coba...ini para Oom yang jago membuat serenada yang lumayan abadi sampai sekarang. Lagu - lagu seperti Hard To Say I'm Sorry (long version please), Hard Habit To Break, Look Away, You're The Inspiration, Saturday In the Park, If You Leave Me Now, dan yang paling nendang dan nggak mungkin adalah lagu ini : "What Kind of Man Would I be".

my knight in shining armour from a long time a go

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

grobanic romantic ,please do's february edition afterall

This morning I've found my Josh Groban Closer album (well, I was searching for other CD actually). Damn! this guy has a voice or what !!
His version of Broken Vow is comparable to Lara Fabian's, can tear your heart open.
He also sang she's out of my life beautifully, much better than Mike's.To add more beauty in this video one of our model is there. Yeah, you know, that famous Mariana who can melt guys knee. I bought the original CD (kinda proud of it because this occasion is VERY RARE) since Josh looks like this boy
But his song that romanticize me most is when you say you love me. Call me corny, but that song was...aaaaah

adopt your own virtual pet!