
Monday, May 29, 2006

nonaCyan's review on Timeless by Sergio Mendes

it's samba + hiphop and if you just don't have the ability to mix them...surely won't sounds as classy as this album.
Might as well listen to this such a gem for ears

Signor Sergio Mendes has featured a some hot line up fot this album fom Will I Am (well,if you can't get "My Humps" out of your head nowadays,blame it to this guy. Truthfully,this lad knows how to brainwash people), JT (hmm,i wanna see the video), three very-very good R&B singers : Erykah Badu, Jill Scott and India Arie , John Legend, etc

Although I didn't quite get the cover design (very hip hoppy though)...
Brasilian Green?

enjoy some of the tunes

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

nona cyan's review on Casshern

This Japanese sci-fi movie was released in 2004,and based on anime with the same title from 1973. This poster almost-kiss version of the movie is quite interesting i think. The soundtrack was quite good actually, Shiina Ringo's Kuki - is a well-written song, i've listened to this before watching the movie...built some expectation indeed...

Umm..this time i'd let alia and olio to review this movie..

alia : Oh wow! look at the production designs! Soo detailed! The helicopters,trains,interior and architectures...

olio : uhuh..and what an ordinary 20's car were doing there? a bit misplaced don't you think?
but WHY they're using those Russian alphabets? Is this some Leninism thingy? and What about that Mao-styled holograms of the general? This movie is about communism in the future!

alia : Umm,i guess they just want to emphasizes the dictatorship of the general? But, Olio, the costumes and the color...SOO POETIC!

olio : poetic my [censored]! is just gothic meets those harajuku girlz. the only thing that make sense is the villain's robe. RED,inspired by the flag.

alia : HEY! the costumes ARE wonderful! especially Casshern's white bodysuit and mask!

olio : Since he's the lead,he should wear the best costume don't cha think? Personally i don't get the half mask...looks weird... And what about him being confined in that jar then suddenly gifted with super-human strength?
Well okay,fair enough, if the mutated himself after his resurrection. BUT, Yusuke Iseya just can't ACT, after the fight he went numb...yea rite!

alia : hum..ok...but he can fight..

olio : Yea,the fighting scenes were cool. Good special effects. Well, there is something very cool in this movie though..

alia : which part?

olio : the body-parts pools! With all the manufactured bodyparts in pools of BLOOD!

Monday, May 15, 2006

juju julukan

yak mungkin nggak penting buat sebagian orang.

Karena bisa membuat orang lain berasumsi macam-macam,atau kalo sial, kenalan sama saya pas iseng,pasti kena tanya hal-hal yang super nggak penting bernada menggoda.

Menurut saya nama panggilan itu PENTING.
Masa iya dari kecil lebih senang diberi nomer punggung dari pada nama?
(kecuali nomer punggung Liverpool mungkin)

Sebagian suku di Indonesia sudah punya nama panggilan untuk anak-anak seperti: buyung,nduk,tole,ucok,butet dkk. Beberapa orang memilih untuk memelihara nama ini sampai dewasa,alhasil ada beberapa teman saya yang bernama Ucok.

Sebagian teman saya punya nama panggilan yang sudah berkaliber profesional,sehingga kalangan industri mereka kurang mengenal nama aslinya. Sebagai contoh eMTe,ilustrator handal Indonesia. Tahun lalu dia mendapat undangan : untuk Saudara Mohamad Thohir (apa Takdir te? lupa..pokoknya bukan Taufik). Ada juga Betmen,Jimi Forres,oom Mamang koboy dkk yang lebih terkenal dengan nama-pseudonya.

Banyak pula di kalangan pergaulan yang kadang-kadang saya sampai lupa nama aslinya. Misalnya Badak, Batu, Lolang, tikus,kloset,sayur,kuping,baskom dkk. Entah mengapa mereka semua jebolan/lulusan sekolah homogen yang berisi kaum adam atau sekolah yang dulu homogen. Kebanyakan mendapatkan julukan dari senior mereka.

Sejak kecil saya juga punya julukan. Di kalangan Eyang-eyang,Oom-tante, sepupu,sampai sekarang masih sering memanggil "baby".Mungkin karena dahulu saya dinilai paling muda di antara sepupu yang lain.(nggak direken kalo bahasa Londonya). Sedangkan di rumah,titel "adek" selalu valid (yang ternyata berlaku untuk nyaris semua anak bungsu di indonesia).

Sejak bergabung dengan grupo bahia,saya menemukan kebiasaan di grupo2 capoeira sedunia untuk memberikan apelido/julukan. Sebagai contoh nama mestre yang sebenarnya Alex,ber-apelido "cicatriz" yang artinya codet. Memang ada codet panjang melintang di perutnya. (kereeeen)
Ketika pertama kali bertemu dengannya, saya langsung mengajukan diri minta diberi apelido. Nama yang harus berhubungan dengan babi,itu membuat dia bingung...
Mungkin pikirnya "aneh bener ni cewek...kok pengen di kasih nama babi". Kemudian penjelasan bahwa hobi saya memelihara babi eh mengkoleksi barang babi, membuat dia mengangguk-angguk. Ya sudah,namamu sekarang: PORQUINHA, yang berarti babi kecil.

Saat capofest kemarin,mestre yang lebih senior dari M.Cicatriz mempertanyakan apelido itu. Menurutnya tidak bagus bagi saya,tidak membuat percaya diri dan merendahkan dan apa lagi ada lah,penjelasan M. Cabeca cukup panjang....(termasuk babi binatang jorok yang suka mengais-ngais sampah) Maka sisa capofest.beberapa kali saya lihat bisik-bisik dengan mestre lain sambil menunjuk-nunjuk saya.

Maka 2 hari sebelum capofest usai beliau memanggil saya. Dengan panjang lebar dia menerangkan sesuatu dengan bahsa portugis,yang berujung : kamu sekarang saya kasih apelido : VOVULA! 2 teman yang duduk di samping saya langsung tertawa terbahak-bahak..secepat kilat saya langsung protes : NAOOO! (coba bayangkan jika yang mengucapkan cadel huruf "V",maka menjadi majalah semi esek-esek..)
Untung masih boleh protes...jadi M.Cabeca mencari lagi...

Pada hari terakhir,menjelang penutupan beliau memanggil saya lagi. Bla bla bla bla (panjang deh pendahuluannya kalo dia ngomong) sekarang kamu bernama :"FORMOSURA"
yak..terdengar lebih baik...dan berarti bagus pula,jadi agar tidak memperpanjang urusan lidoapelido ini, saya OKeh!

*foto para mestre,professor,instutor dan alunos formados*

Friday, May 05, 2006

to wed or not to wed,that's THE question.

Some of my friends are getting marry next coming months, this tendencies lead to others questioning their own relationship and yea,off course me being single questioning some issues as well.

I mean like, is it THAT complicated?

After some observations, most of them are having problems with insecurities.
Okay,who doesn't has this such thing?

You? are you SURE you're a human being?

Turned out this feeling is sooo damn common. Even the ones that seems to have "everything" (maybe not EVERYTHING,but you get what I mean) got it big time. I was amazed, when I've founded them out.

Pheww...the older we got, the more problematique this issue...All the "what if"s and "I'm afraid that he/she is going to ......"s.
Dear God!
Can it be as simple as,
"yea i love you too let's elope to europe"???

On the other hand...insecurities can also makes a person rather more attractive. Which I've just found out and still consider this interestingly funny.

adopt your own virtual pet!