
Saturday, April 01, 2006

haven't complitely understand God's mysterious deed

Yesterday was a cloudy friday, but I decided to reverse the grey mood.
So, I opened my wardrobe,and chose one of the most "happy mood" shirt. It was the bright yellow,"Ice cream please" shirt.Kept my thoughts in track,"I'm going to church,I'm going to train today,I'm going to forget,I'm going to walk further...and THERE'S NOTHING TO STOP ME!".

Then as usual,another God's mysterious deed, just as i entered the church,the rain poured heavily."Oh well,might as well do some novenas before the stations of the cross started".
This ritual has bees such a conundrum to me. It's a remembrance of "via dolorosa",Christ's sufferings before he was put on the cross. So this is one of the most sacred ritual. And yet,I always cried whenever I do this.

Perhaps because of the visuals?

Perhaps the sympathy?

Maybe because this ritual concern a lot of kneeling?
(ah yes,my right knee didn't complain yesterday,another God's mysterious deed)

Or the prayers which most of the times are so different than the usual ones?
They usually use those reflective prayers,with "smack on your face" language. Each and every station does makes you think about stuffs you've did. Most of the times they use literal language. So maybe I wept in remorse.

Then in the following mass,the response was : "God is closer to the brokenhearted".
Oh...i felt a bit pang in my chest. And yea,afterwards the gloom just swept away.


  • Huh, I should go to the church yesterday, but I guessed lazyness, mai tais, and tequila were really get in to me.
    I envy you Berti.

    Mea culpa,
    Mea culpa,
    Mea maxima culpa.

    By Blogger cattra, at 12:56 AM  

  • haaa?
    "Church of Klingon"??

    Sorry bro..nggak tahaaan :D

    By Blogger nona cyan, at 8:50 AM  

  • hahahah, kalo ada boleh tuh, itu juga kalo diijinin istri bow.

    By Blogger cattra, at 9:22 AM  

  • btw paks,temenlo yg kaca mata lucu juga


    By Blogger nona cyan, at 9:57 AM  

  • heheheh, yang satu tim perjalanan ke NYC nih? Jelas luculah, jaman loe kuliah dia masih SD gituh, huahahahahah...

    By Blogger cattra, at 12:57 PM  

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