
Thursday, March 02, 2006

Walk the Line

Actually, in my opinion,this movie didn't fully covered The Man in Black's life.
I was expecting a movie as dark as his lyrics.
But hey,it's a terrific love story between Johnny and June. Although the movie explained why Johnny got hooked on drugs and mixed up. It's was all about Jack's death and his father's attitude.
Good casting...very good indeed. Phoenix (Ladies,another drool control when he wears singlet and unshaved chin) and Witherspoon really got the chemistry there.
No wonder those two leading role are among Academy Award nominations.
The costume is well designed...make me wanna wear black and bold coloured prints skirt.
Here's the bold movie official site .

Here Johny Cash proposing June for the 40th time (is that LOVE or psychotic??),well if you wanna do it big, do it in front of public i guess.

Feel the Southern love y'all!


  • yang menang kan diana ya? si reese ini kan?
    padahal gue menjagokan si Felicity Huffman...
    Acting nya di Transamerica bener2 amazing. Itu filem juga lebih bagus dari Brokeback Mountain yang.. jujur ya.. nggak gitu menarik buat gue.. Kecuali pemandangannya gunungnya yang emang keren..

    Awal movie, gue udah predict. 2 cowo yang baru kenal. Ditaro di gunung cuma buat ngangon domba...
    1. Salah satu dimakan sama Serigala atau jenis binatang buas.
    2. Salah satu nyasar, karena sok tau dan ilang berhari2, dehidrasi dan mau mati.
    3. Karena situasi, kepepet dan jadilah mereka HOMO!

    Eh beneran jadi homo loh!
    ck ck ck...

    By Blogger Fortuna, at 11:18 AM  

  • hehehe...gue ngereview brokeback berkaret 2..PEDEEESS...

    By Blogger nona cyan, at 12:11 PM  

  • sepedes ini nih Brokeback Mountain

    By Blogger nona cyan, at 12:20 PM  

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