
Wednesday, January 12, 2005

there you have it! you SUPERFICIAL BEINGS!!

I've always got sick and tired from comments by my male counterparts about women's body. Their superficiality sometimes gets soo sickening, that I wish to do a meia lua or queixada straight into their brain. That should fix them into place alrite.. Human males seem to have certain standard that has-to-be-fullfilled by their spouse (or their object of affection, so to speak). Such as certain colour of skin (the paler the better), certain length of hair (shoulder or bra strap length), certain weight (this is VERY crucial), certain body shape (as long as is thin), etc...

One of my male friend, he's quite heavy indeed, keep complaining about his spouse's weight. Another, always beg his girl to keep shoulder length straight hair. In other case, comparing women's chest's size. (for Heaven's sake !! it's only numbers and silly alphabets! so what if I'm 34 C?) Men also put double standards against "good looking chick" and "ugly chick" . They tend to treat better looking one with more respect and care. Well, not tend, ALWAYS (this came from confessions by some guys). They always willing to sacrifice some time to do chores or things for good-looking-ones, and reluctant to spare minutes with ugly ones. Thank Goodness I'm still considered as in between.

So, after years being subject of judgement...FINALLY, a (rather stupid tv show) judge MEN for their buffiness and (yeah right) brain and attitude. Mind you, the judges have quite good taste, since they all look so good. 6 packs, great eyes and grade 8 flirtatious ability...Compare to other show (something about supermodel search) that involves pretty, (some of them) smart, and really know about modelling, those male-supermodel-search contestants are..well..ummmm very ignorant about modelling. However, they all look devilishly irressistible with those cK's undies.

Ooops..I'm downgrading myself into a superficial swine as well...
hell i don't care, my fave won's Jon, a surfer and astro*s'thing* student


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